Panth Shah

Product Designer

Panth Shah

Product Designer

Hello, I'm Panth : )

A little about me ~ I am originally from India, but I am currently based in winter wonderland Boston 🥶

Hello, I'm Panth : )

A little about me ~ I am originally from India, but I am currently based in winter wonderland Boston 🥶

Notes ( My Story )

Friday June 21, 2024 at 2.30 PM

Friday June 21, 2024 at 2.30 PM

My adventure started during the COVID pandemic when I was still in college. I began by just recreating designs I saw on Dribbble and Behance.

Over time, I realized that visuals and functionality are both part of the same thing, and they're really important for creating a good user experience. I've always loved coding because it's cool how a few lines of code can create something awesome on my screen.This realization highlighted the significant impact of thoughtful design in enhancing our digital interactions. Join me as I continue to explore the expansive and exciting possibilities that design holds for our digital world |

My adventure started during the COVID pandemic when I was still in college. I began by just recreating designs I saw on Dribbble and Behance.

Over time, I realized that visuals and functionality are both part of the same thing, and they're really important for creating a good user experience. I've always loved coding because it's cool how a few lines of code can create something awesome on my screen.This realization highlighted the significant impact of thoughtful design in enhancing our digital interactions. Join me as I continue to explore the expansive and exciting possibilities that design holds for our digital world |

When I am not designing...


2024 @ Made with love in Framer

